Monday 7 April 2008


My fellow poker addicts of the world, ask not what the poker will do for you, but what together we can do for the poker! Shane Warne has just drooped cricket for the poker way! Consequently, the first-class cricketer will not be taking up his contract to captain English country side, Hampshire this year, but it will definitely play some sleazy poker in a damp place full or booze and babes! All right, or at home, with his kids in front of the PC.
The weirdest thing of all, is that Warne actually announced his retirement from the first-class game in a text message sent to The Times newspaper in London. Now, why did you do that, Shane? It’s exactly the same thing as breaking up with a chick on the telephone...
Later on, he added: "My eight years involved with Hampshire have been a wonderful experience. Memories that will last with me forever and likewise the friendships that have been formed at the club. Unfortunately I am retiring from all first-class crickets but will participate in the IPL. Due to some exciting business opportunities and wanting to spend more time with my children, I had to make this call."
Can you imagine that Rajasthan Royals actually bought Warne for $A490,000 by during this month's IPL player auction? After seeing the mass hysteria around this mad decision, they must have immediately decided against the move, although he says he was the one decided to focus on a poker career and his children. Ain’t that sweet? But, it’s wrong!
Through his lifetime career, Warne took about 708 wickets in 145 Tests, following his 1992 debut. He was going to play for Hampshire again this season, but the county club's chairman, Rod Bransgrove, said the two parties had mutually agreed to a parting of the ways. Of course, he forgot to mention he first chase him down with a 22 rifle and a sack full of pennies...(kidding)
According to couriermail, Warne also said: "I know this will be a major disappointment to many fans of both Hampshire and Shane but, after much discussion and soul-searching, it has become clear to both of us that Shane can no longer make the commitment required to continue to lead Hampshire.”
In response, Hampshire chairman, Rod Bransgrove added: "When Shane came to us in 2000 Hampshire were a sleepy provincial club," he said. "Now we are among the leading sides in the country and much of that is down to Shane." Don’t get to emotional, guys!
It seems like Warne's ability to fulfill the final year of his contract in England became uncertain, after a conflict with the Indian Premier League, when the dates for the new Twenty20 competition were put back, from April 18 to June 1.
Several negotiations with Bransgrove, forced Warne to return at the end of July with the aim of playing through August and September. It was back then, when Bransgrove, detected a change in tone from the player, for the first time.
According to the Australian, Bransgrove said: "He was so keen to come back and we were so keen to have him. Over the past week he has been away with his kids again, for the second time this year, and nobody can overestimate how important that side of his life is to him.We both arrived at the same conclusion and in the end we both knew that it was the right thing to do. He was as sad as I was."
Warne was already separated from Simone, his wife, and was keen not to spend longer than necessary away from his three kids, Brooke (10), Jackson (8) and Summer (6).
If you come to think about it, this is a really sad story, however, we’re keeping our fingers crossed for you, Warne buddy and welcome in the club! Poker rules!
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